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KOEN ADULT RESIDENTIAL FACILITY was established in 2017. Koen ARF is one of the first care homes in Santa Clara County to have an Administrator certified as a Train The Trainer in accordance  with the Federally mandated Home and Community Based Services. Koen ARF is licensed by Community Care Licensing with vendorization from San Andreas Regional Center. We provide 24/7 care, support and transportation for men and women with developmental differences ages 18-59 years. These individuals may be verbal or non-verbal, at the time we can only accept ambulatory individuals.


Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the individuals that we have been entrusted to care for. Our trained staff work to facilitate the highest quality of life with the goal of everyone to reaching their full potential.


We create  learning opportunities in the following areas:

Basic life skills 

Cognitive skills 

Socio-recreational skills 


Community integration skills

Practice Yoga for Mind and Body wellness


 Please contact us if you are interested in touring our facility or placing a family member. 

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